We Need Something…

So, as a pastor I have been praying for something for about the last 5 years. The folks here at the church hopefully have been praying the same thing, at least I have hope they have, you know how over a period of time, when a prayer is not answered, we kind of forget it, or it takes a back burner for awhile and then is forgotten.

Why not just let everyone know the need? I mean some one might read this and say to themselves “That’s me, I can do that!” Or in the least say “I can cover that request in prayer every day and intercede on behalf of them for the Lord to hear this prayer and answer according to His perfect will.”

What have I been praying for? Families. Pretty simple request in the grand scheme of things, but I desperately need young families for the church to continue to survive and make an impact on the Kingdom work we want to do as the Church in this community. But there is a need just as important to have single people, single parents with kids, elderly men and women, all who have a passion to serve in the church and grow in Christ through worship, in the preaching of the Word, singing of the psalms hymns and spiritual songs, partaking in the Lord’s ordinances and Christian fellowship.

But there are specifics here, let me tell you what I am praying for:

Families with a Father/Husband that is a Godly man. A man who loves Christ, loves his family and loves the church. A man with strong Christian character and integrity. A man biblically qualified to be teacher, deacon, elder or other leader in the church. A man who has a passion to be out of the pew, out of the church walls and be serving Christ in the community through outreach, evangelism, and one on one discipleship of other believers and then bringing others to saving knowledge through Christ.

Families with a Wife/Mother that is a Godly woman. A woman who loves Christ, loves her family, and loves the church. A woman who is a Proverbs 31 women. A woman who has a desire to teach other women, teach children, help in the nursery. a woman who has a passion and desire to go out of the pew and out from the church walls and get into the community and help in outreach, evangelism, and one on one discipleship of other believers and then bringing others to saving knowledge through Christ.

KIDS! KIDS! KIDS! Bring them in. All ages, nursery to Highschool! We need to make sure we are leaving a biblical legacy through them and that they will carry the church to the next generations.

Again, let me reach to some others who might say “Well, I don’t have a family” or “I’m a single mom/dad with kids” or “I’m single”, “I’m elderly” and is there a place for these people? We want you. We ABSOLUTELY need you! You are part of the family when you get here and we need you just as desperately as any family. We need people who desire to live Godly lives. Who have a passion for the Kingdom work. Who want to step into leadership positions. Who want to get out of the pew and out from the church walls and get into the community and help in outreach, evangelism, and one on one discipleship of other believers and then bringing others to saving knowledge through Christ.

I want to, at this time, ask you to consider coming out to Romeo Baptist and joining in the Kingdom work. We want to do more, but we need you. The sky is the limit when it comes to possibilities for you to serve and engage in true worship of the Lord Jesus Christ here at Romeo Baptist.

Could Romeo be the place that you have been looking for? The only way you’ll know is to come out and visit us and seriously considering joining us for the Great Commission work.

Pastor Rob